Sunday, April 27, 2008


Always thought i've seen it all when i've been so much in e army. Apparently, e world with its vastness creates people with highly diversified thinkings and backgrounds. 
Always believe that everyone harbours no evil intentions and our wrong doing was a moment of misjudgement. Mistakes that can be made but not repeated, recur ever so frequent only because we're human. Our only failure is to feel right about doing wrong. 
My tutor asked us why is was wrong to steal and half e class was dumbfounded. Back then, everyone believe in what our parent told us but fail to reason out the reasons behind theft. We've been too used to being told what's right or what's wrong. What about things not said? Can we reason it out and determine if it were right or wrong based on our believes? 
Near e end of my teens, i fantasize my death before adulthood. I was so entrenched with my thought that i was convinced it'd happen. Nothing could be more wrong than my prophecy perhaps apart from e fact that it's wrong. I survived. But e single thing i took away was at least to enjoy e people around me alittle more. I dun remember why but i cant seems to remember anger as much i do for e great time yi spent together. Maybe that's why e thought of returning to my ex's come toying once a while in moments of loneliness. At least i cherish their being. Treasure e time together. Enjoy their presences. Forgiving and forgetting. 
Move on. I guess it's not that bad living your life in e shadow of death. Afterall, you'd never know when it's coming. Just doesn't what myself caught in e position when i have things left undone before i go. Whenever that is.